Good afternoon everyone and welcome to this weeks featured author. I’m so excited to introduce not only one of my personal favourite authors, but also a friend, Stevie D. Parker! Stevie’s debut novel, ‘Wounds Of Time’ was published in June 2021 and has phenomenal reviews!
Stevie D. Parker was born and raised in New York and spent over two decades as a Public Relations Executive. She has traveled to many places and considers herself a realist. She currently lives with her husband and dachshund, and enjoys good food! Along with all forms of live entertainment from Broadway to concerts and ballgames.
My first question for each author to get them warmed up for their interview is when did they start writing, what that first initial spark of inspiration was? Here is what Stevie D. Parker had to say in the opening of our interview!
“I’ve been writing my whole life. Back in school, I was originally a journalism major, on the school newspaper and had poetry published when I was 15 years old. Wounds of Time was my first full length novel, written in January 2019.”

I have personally read Wounds Of Time, and the emotional roller-coaster in this book is suspenseful, nail biting, and I couldn’t put the damn thing down! LOL
So, having the opportunity to interview Stevie D. Parker, I had to know what inspired Wounds Of Time, an if any of the story is based on her own personal life. Stevie says:
“I’ve always had very lucid dreams. One night I had a dream I was writing the last page of a book, and when I woke up, I remembered it word for word and wrote it down. Wounds of Time was written backwards, in my nephew’s room, based on real life experiences. The characters all symbolize a part of me and were created by pictures hanging on Christopher’s wall. Bianca symbolizes me in my twenties, Vince me in my professional career, and Samantha me after leaving my job after over two decades in Public Relations in my late thirties. What makes Wounds of Time so special to me, is that unfortunately my nephew passed away less than a year later tragically and I feel like his room manifested into a physical object and will always be alive in the book, if that makes sense.”

Wounds Of Time is told by three different POV. Vince, (the husband), Samantha, (his wife), and Bianca, (Vince’ new found lover). If you could imagine how intense that got!! 😉
I was curious which of these fantastic characters were Stevie D. Parkers favourite to write, and why.
“Probably Vince. He made mistakes in his life that he learned from and grew. He always had a backup plan and was able to still be successful in his career, despite it not being his original dream.”

Stevie D. Parker has done an excellent job of writing in the romance genre, so I was curious if she had anything else in store for us. Maybe even a sequel to Wounds Of Time. 😉 Of course, being a fan, I was quite excited by her answer!
“Absolutely! My next novel, My Significant Nobody, which is in the process of being published now is more of a chick-lit romance. My next, I would like to explore the paranormal realm. I do not want to be boxed into a specific genre, however one thing I would like to be recognized for is the realism of my stories and characters.”
As a fellow author I’m always curious what type of environment each author enjoys writing in, what that peaceful place is like for them. For myself, I enjoy listening to music, and driving helps clear my head as well. I’ve had the great pleasure of interviewing many authors, and I love hearing the different answers from each of them. Here is what Stevie D. Parker had to say!
“Aside from my dreams, music is a huge influence for me. Whether I’m driving and blasting the music, or it’s on in my house. Music has always been a huge inspiration for me.”

Since I have already read and very much enjoyed Wound Of Time, I wanted to put Stevie D. Parker in her own characters shoes! LOL
Vince is a complex character who has to make some pretty difficult life decisions. A successful business man, married young for a good cause, but meets the girl of his dreams later in life while still with his wife, Samantha. So, I asked Stevie D. Parker what she would do if she were Vince!
“Well, that’s the million-dollar question! What I like about Vince is how so many people react so differently to him. People either love him or hate him. If he truly represents my prior career, then I would have left.”
Huge thank you to author Stevie D. Parker! I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
You can find Wound Of Time by Stevie D. Parker on amazon and all your favourite eBook stores!
Here's what other are saying about Wound Of Time! Author Stevie D. Parker's links below!

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